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Location: South Bend, Indiana, United States

I enjoy life and most often the simple things in it.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

What's a word for a group of people?

This post is kind of an extension of the previous one (so read that one 1st), but I felt it deserved a new field because its on a different topic, and I dont want to scare anyone away with the length of one MASSIVE post. This post is about parties, or at least I think it is. I'm just gonna go wherever my mind takes me on this one.

I was invited to this huge party tonight. There were going to be two kegs along with margaritas, all for free. Everyone was going to get wasted and they all wanted to know if I was going. I told them all no, and the "why?"s came back to me. I didnt really have an answer, so I just told them I didnt want to. I think some people were offended but what was I supposed to say? One server pointed out how I didnt say I was tired, or sick, or going to go get some booty (her actual words), and I just responded with "but im not tired, and im not going to go get some booty". Why are these parties such an attraction? I have gone to two with people from work and they smoke and drink and talk, and it is completely boring. I played like 3 hands of euchre at one and listened to music at the other... amazing. Granted, I'm not gettin smashed like them, but why does anyone (or everyone) need alcohol to have fun? I had a blast tonight and I hadn't had a drop. Talk about lessened inhibitions all you want, but am I so different or easily amused that I can find each day humorous and fun without getting drunk? Its seems like these people who love so much to get drunk are always in a bad mood. Maybe life taken straight isnt as much fun as wasted life and I am too ignorant to know the difference? I'm sure however that the hangover and vomiting just plain suck. One of the other servers did agree with me though, and felt the same way about hang over/vomiting (she has had personal experience in that area). I like trying new things (when i have the courage) but this just seems too pointless. I did have some "Lemonade" at one of the parties to see what the hype was about, and it even tastes bad (yes, i knew it would). I'm told alcohol is an acquired taste, but im thinking the only thing i might like it in is a mixed drink or possibly wine (i might actually try to acquire a taste for wine - it is healthy to have a glass a day or something and it can be a hobby). I have a feeling I know a few people who might be able to explain the party phenomena to me, and possibly defend it, but I just don't think parties are all they are made out to be.

3 people who have defaced my blog:

Blogger Alex said...

That was a massive amount of typing. I guess that's what happens when 3 weeks go by without a post. It explodes out of you. I still have topics I could write about too, wow.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Abracadabra05 said...

I totally agree with you. The "getting wasted" all the time thing has never really appealed to me either. How boring are you if you feel the need to constantly get drunk in order to have a good time? I like to think of myself and all my friends as fun people without alcohol. Plus, the whole throwing up and hangover thing kinda scares me. I dont care how much fun I could have when im drunk, the throwing up and hangover thing would never be worth it. Anyways,I think its awesome that you dont go to these parties with drinking and getting wasted in mind. and the fact that you dont make up excuses as to why you arent going to the parties. good for you!

8:02 PM  
Blogger Riot Grrrl said...

u know, it's actually rather refreshing to hear someone say that they are able to tell people exactly what they think and where they stand, even it it won't be the most popular thing they've ever done. i myself find that i become extremely quiet and withdrawn as i become more and more "drunk", so i tend to act like a drunk as opposed to actually BEING one lol. also, i, like abby, have a phobia of blowing chunks...besides, sometimes drunk people are quite annoying, so at least i never have to worry about being irritated by you ;-)

9:24 PM  

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