i dont want a blog...

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Location: South Bend, Indiana, United States

I enjoy life and most often the simple things in it.

Friday, October 22, 2004


I was thinking about problems, real problems. Like the kind we (as in us) don't really have. I heard of something today that made me think of how little I really have in my life that could fuck up. If I don't get into any more colleges because all my essays suck, big deal. If I blow up my car with lighter fluid, I will not have the problem of transportation, because I know my parents would find some way to back me up (after I was flayed). Basically, my security stems from my parents, and I know that even if I were to fail out of college and become ungodly lazy, my mom would be there to yell at me to get off my ass. I am however slighty concerned about how I will cope with being by myself. My stepmom has lived without her parents for many years, and I wonder what it is like to not have the comfort and security. It was very possible that if she never got off her ass, she and her kids would starve, and they would all be living on fixed income and poor as dirt.

I guess the whole point of this was to point out how little responsibility I actually have. My problems with some paper or project, or my conflicts at work are meaningless right now. Jeez.