i dont want a blog...

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Location: South Bend, Indiana, United States

I enjoy life and most often the simple things in it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


YeSh so i gUess I hAd bettEr posT lest I fACe the hoLY Hand greNAde of AnTiocH. gEEz. ANy THouGhtS? no. AhH, thiS onE looks GOOd. I tinhk I'll tpye lkie tihs for alhiwe, jsut to add a bit of alulre to the txet. Nah, that's way hard. So the is weird capital thing. I would just like to point out that is what my writing looks like when threadless and forced.

How 'bout them Yankees?...Enough, time for real, meaningful, and intriguing thoughts.

....Wow, that was really amazing. I think my mind just expanded several fold in that long, long interval of thought. Isn't nice when you can connect with yourself?
(oh my, I have stumbled onto a tangible topic for discussion)

Peace and Quiet
I really enjoy alone time. I find that during school I tend to seek time away from people and sit and for once not utterly waste my time. Yesterday during 10th period we had a sub (and therefore a study hall) and I left saying "I would like to go talk with Mr Vangoey". I headed in his direction (he has 10th period class-less) and found Mrs. Hatfield talking with him so I snuck quickly and quietly away. I could find no shelter anywhere in the upstairs hallways until I realized that the chapel was empty. I headed in there (with all due reverence I assure you) and just sat enjoying my time. I thought about my current standpoint with God (I and came to a conclusion), about how I dislike the bureaucracy of Marian, and all kinds of things. Sometimes I leave lunch early and head to my next class (which is empty) and sit there enjoying the quiet. Sometimes VanGoey comes in and we just talk. He understands my appreciation of peace and we get along well. I think you would be surprised at how understanding the Marian staff can be if you just explain your point of view. For all Marian's pitfalls, I like it here.